Rezensionen zu: Tanagra - vornehme Dame mit Fächer 24,5 cm, 8 cm breit, 0,6 kg, Nationalmuseum Athen

    5 von 5 Sternen!
    Dienstag, 29. August 2023
    Hello, Mr. Seitz,

    The Tanager figurine arrived and is very beautiful. I am happy to provide a review for you to post:

    This replica Tanagra figurine of a brown-haired lady is exquisite. The sculpting is beautifully done, accurate and detailed. The terracotta material and antiqued coloring make this Tanagra woman look like a real antique. This piece is far superior to the usual resin-cast replicas available today.

    Best wishes,
    Nancy Young, California
    Tanagra - vornehme Dame mit Fächer 24,5 cm, 8 cm breit, 0,6 kg, Nationalmuseum Athen
Execution time (seconds): ~0.113634